Women’s Ministries

Leader:  Zory Hall

Women's Ministries

A Sisterhood in Christ

Leader: Zory Hall

Leader: Zory Hall

Elder: Nadine Hines

Women’s Ministry provides a nurturing environment for women to grow in Jesus.  Together, through all generations, we are united together under the Gospel Commission.

This ministry affirms women in their unique spiritual gifts by empowering them with tools to help them discover and use their spiritual gifts.  We awaken them to their God-given destiny; strengthen them in the importance of their womanly role in the home, church, and community; and challenge women to improve, study, and increase in wisdom so they may better enjoy their walk with Jesus.  We also acknowledge our unique differences while realizing that our needs, desires, and goals are similar.  We all aspire to walk with Jesus, testify His love, and live with Him throughout all eternity.

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