When you participate in online giving, you decide in advance to faithfully give back. We believe God blesses that kind of faith!
We want to reduce post office trips, postage
costs and weekly/monthly check-writing chores.
You can make a difference by supporting us as we reach those in need around us.
During the weekend services we have a time of dedicating our tithes and offerings to God in prayer.
We can also mail our tithes and offerings. Our offering envelopes are available at your request. The envelopes are pre-addressed with the churches mailing address. Simply place your check within the envelope, add a postage stamp and drop in the mailbox
If you have something you want to give as a gift, please contact us to discuss ahead of time either by e-mail: office@springmeadows.org or phone at: 407 327 1190
It is now possible and convenient to give online, either one time or automatically.