But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 19:14
We're so excited that you want to schedule a dedication! Please fill out the form below to forward your request to the church office. The church secretary will contact you to confirm the details. If a quilt is desired, please submit this form one month in advance of the dedication.
Baby Name*
Contact information and mailing address First Name* Last Name* Email* Mobile Phone Home Phone Street City State Postal Code Birthday* Gender* Child's parents* How should parent names appear on the church service slide and Baby Dedication Certificate? Which pastor would you like to perform the dedication (Children’s pastor is the default)?
What date do you prefer?
Have you selected this date for a particular reason or special significance?
If a quilt is desired, please submit this form one month in advance of the dedication.
"Jesus came from Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan." Mark 1:9 NIV If you are interested in baptismal studies please contact the church office to begin the process. If you have completed baptismal studies and are now confirming a baptismal date please fill out this form. Thank you.
Enter how you want your name to appear for your certificate. First Name* Last Name* Email* Mobile Phone* Street* City* State* Postal Code* Birthday* Gender* Marital Status* Pastor's name, and phone #, you have contacted for baptism*
What date(s) do you prefer? 1st preference - Please Note: Worship Planning works weeks in advance so allow ample time. 2nd preference
In a paragraph below, tell us a little about yourself (hobbies, interests, family) and also share about your commitment to Jesus or why you chose to get baptized.
Please upload a headshot photo for the church bulletin.*
Also, if you haven’t submitted the information to our Instant Church Directory - the information and picture on this form can be used for that. Would you like to have this information be placed in the ICD (Instant Church Directory)? YesNo
We all want our kids to be involved in church in one way or another. This form is intended to get information about things that we wouldn’t know without your help. Please fill out this form and help us find all the ways to get your child involved at church. The body of Christ means everyone - especially kids.
Parent name
Kid(s) Name
Kid(s) Age
Kid(s) gender
Best way to contact Cell Or Email
My Kid(s) strengths MusicSingingInstrumentActing/Speaking up front (including children’s story)Drawing or graphicsVideo or editingBehind the scenes
My Kid(s) Interests Community ServiceServing at church (deacon or deaconess)Teaching/SpeakingCrafts/buildingAudio Visual
Any other important information of ways that your kid(s) can be involved
Our family is willing to do short video clips to help with “Welcome” for worship services and/or with children’s Sabbath Schools. YesNo
And they were gathered together in one place. Acts 4:31
Your name
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Your email
I am not a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church but would like to find out how I can joinPlease transfer my membership from:
Transfer Church
Transfer Church: City
Transfer Church: State
Baptized children requesting transfer: (If it applies)
Children's name(s)
Children's Church
Children's Church's City
Children in the home that haven't been baptised: (If it applies)
Unbaptized Children's name(s) and age(s) or birthdate(s)